Growing Your Farm Profits: Planning for Business Success Online Farm Business Self-Assessment Tool

Growing Your Farm Profits (GYFP): Planning for Business Success Online Farm Business Self-Assessment Tool provides producers with the first step in the business planning process. Producers will come away with a comprehensive assessment of their farm business practices, priorities, key goals and ultimately, an Action Plan as a starting point towards the farm’s business plan.

Producers can complete the online assessment on their own, or alternatively invite other members of the farm team to complete the assessment so that they can compare results before creating their roadmap to success; their business plan. Comparing assessments can lead to positive discussions regarding the future of the farm and ensure everyone’s perspective is taken into account.

Once completed, the Action Plan can be submitted for validation. Producers may be eligible for cost-share opportunities to hire a consultant or to participate in training and learning events to improve their business practices.

Farm Management Canada offers a national version of the self-assessment tool, while the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs offers a customized Ontario version and the PEI Department of Agriculture & Fisheries offers a customized version of the tool, called Planning for Business Success, for PEI producers.

The Growing Your Farm Profits: Planning for Business Success Online Business Self-Assessment Tool is available from