Ever had a project or been stuck on a problem and wish you had someone to bounce ideas off? What if you had access to like-minded people who could help you quickly identify issues, offer advice and keep you accountable?
Join Denise Filipchuck to learn how producer-lead learning can be your secret weapon to running a better business. Discover how tackling issues together, sharing talents and strengths and going outside your comfort zone can bring clarity and a new perspective to your decision-making.
What you’ll learn:
– What is a producer peer group
– Benefits of joining a peer group
– How to get involved in one or start your own
– How they support personal and professional growth
Thursday, July 22
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. EDT
Find the webinar time for your area.
St. Johns, N.L. | 1:30 p.m.
Halifax, N.S. | 1 p.m.
Ottawa, Ont. | 12 p.m.
Winnipeg, Man. | 11 a.m.
Regina, Sask. | 10 a.m.
Edmonton, Alta. | 10 a.m.
Vancouver, B.C. | 9 a.m.
Denise Filipchuck, CEO, Filipchuck Management Inc.
As a Farm Management Consultant and Coach, a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), a Certified Workplace Mediator, a member of the Canadian Association of Farm Advisors (CAFA), and a Farm Debt Mediation Service Financial Expert, Denise provides financial planning and management consulting services, tools and coaching to farm families; helping them become more successful in their businesses, relationships and lives. Denise has a background and specializes in farming, family communication, financial planning, intensive debt management, strategic business and transition planning. Denise also provides peer group and workshop facilitation and does public speaking at ag industry events.